School Culture

Interior Masthead

We love learning. Visit our school building and it’s immediately obvious. Student projects and artwork adorn every available space of wall. Our libraries and science labs overflow with books and terrariums and projects and ideas.

On any given afternoon, you’ll encounter students returning from a science class at the Academy of Natural Sciences or from tending vegetables at Mill Creek Farm. You’ll find students lingering after classes, putting the final touches on science labs and art projects. You’ll hear music from student ensembles drift from our auditorium. You’ll see students gathered in hallways, laughing. Or studying. Or both.

Our school is a safe space to learn. Our community is built on Quaker values of respect, simplicity, peaceful resolution of conflict, and the constant search for truth. Every voice matters here. We value each member of our community as an individual. Our students address teachers by their first names. It’s simple, but significant. It demonstrates not deference, but mutual respect. On Wednesdays when we gather for Meeting for Worship, even our youngest students are invited to voice their opinions while the entire school listens attentively.

This is a strong and supportive community. We learn together. We work together. We explore and study in an atmosphere of curiosity and cooperation, striving together for the betterment of all.