Holistic Approach | Support & Wellness | Lower School | Friends Select School

Lower School Holistic Approach


The lower school student support team at Friends Select works collaboratively to support the emotional, social, and academic development of the whole child. We believe that social-emotional learning, fostering academic growth and confidence, and building toward developmentally appropriate levels of independence and agency provide a foundation for a child’s success in school and life.  

The student support team meets regularly to review and discuss the overall well-being and academic progress of students. The team consists of a school psychologist (pre-K- 12), the lower school counselor, and two lower school learning specialists. 

The student support team works in close partnership with teachers and families to nurture a child’s development across domains. We believe caregivers are essential in nourishing their children’s development, so we work closely with families to ensure their children feel confident in all aspects of their lives. Partnerships happen in a myriad of ways through family meetings with the student support team, parent meetings with the classroom teacher, and parent programs led by our wellness team. 


Holistic Approach



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