


Looking for ways to be involved as an alum? Click here.

Family involvement is a key way for Friends Select School to build community. We encourage everyone to volunteer in some capacity during the school year. Volunteer needs will be posted in the weekly Bulletin or come directly from a school employee or class representative. Share your interests and expertise with us.

All families of Friends Select students are members of the Family Association (FA). Its mission is to support Friends Select School as a learning community rooted in Quaker values. 

Led by an FA board and several committees, members of the FA work with the school administration to achieve the following goals:

  • Serve as a communications link between the school and families, particularly through FA class representatives.

  • Facilitate family volunteer and financial support to the school.

  • Provide opportunities for FSS families to engage in service activities.

  • Create opportunities for family education through lectures, speakers, and discussion sessions.

  • Provide opportunities for families to meet socially.

  • Share expertise to enhance a classroom activity, support a student group, or contribute to a school-wide educational activity.  

To get involved or for more information, email or call Molly Mullahy, director of the Friends Select Fund and constituent engagement.





Families of Black Students Collective

The Families of Black Students Collective is an affinity space for parents, grandparents, guardians, family members, and friends who are intentionally building a cohesive and collaborative community of people with shared cultures, values, traditions, history, and lived experiences. We lift up and celebrate one another and our students, and advocate for them to be seen and heard at Friends Select. This collective is a mechanism to acknowledge, illuminate, and preserve at FSS the culture, history, and present-day contributions of Black people throughout the world. The group also advocates for Black students and their families to ensure that FSS is a safe and affirming space for our children.

Jewish Family and Friends Group

To support Friends Select’s environment of inclusiveness, understanding, acceptance, and respect, the Jewish Families and Friends Group seeks to build community among families with Jewish students, bring a Jewish perspective to the larger school community, and inform the community about Jewish customs and traditions. The group will provide support for community members in responding to local and national events of antisemitism, as well as support for Jewish families who are new to the school community. 

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning (LGBTQ+) Family and Friends Group

The Friends Select community consists of individuals from varied backgrounds, family structures, sexual orientations, and gender identities. The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Family and Friends group is committed to assisting the school, through social events and service projects, in creating and maintaining a community of inclusiveness, understanding, acceptance, and respect that embraces and celebrates the diverse sexual orientation and gender identities within the school community.

Multicultural Family and Friends (MCF2) Group

The Friends Select School community consists of individuals from various racial, ethnic, cultural, socioeconomic, religious, and other backgrounds. To support Friends Select’s environment of inclusiveness, understanding, acceptance, and respect, the Multicultural Family and Friends Group is committed to sustaining an ongoing relationship with all stakeholders in our school to further create and maintain a multicultural community that embraces and celebrates the rich dimensions of diversity unique to each of its individual members.




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