Upper School Holistic Approach
At Friends Select, we work to support “the whole” of every student. As such, a broad program is offered incorporating academics, activities, athletics, service, and other areas. In addition, areas of student support are available covering students’ learning and social-emotional needs. Upper school is a time when students grow and develop from mid-adolescence to emerging adulthood. Students in the upper school have more choice and agency with regard to their academic programs, and more responsibility for governing their own behavior and interactions. With the shifts that happen and approaching the “next steps” of their lives, students benefit from services that support their success while allowing for the emergence of their independence and autonomy.


Social-Emotional Support

Learning Support
Our middle school/upper school learning specialist supports students in a variety of ways, such as meeting with students during study help time, connecting students with peer tutors, and providing support to students, families, and faculty in the area of learning differences. Consultation regarding student support is available on an ongoing basis with an effort to help students develop compensatory strategies and assist in implementing necessary accommodations for students with documented learning differences. Professionals from Cora Services provide additional academic support. |
Social-Emotional Support
Friends Select’s counseling team attends grade-team meetings to consult and advise about student issues that may arise and to provide details and considerations on supporting individual students in the classroom and the wider school community. Additionally, the guidance team, comprised of learning support, counseling support, and administrative staff, meets weekly to review student progress, assess areas of need, and plan action steps to support students. The counseling support staff at Friends Select are available for conversation and consultation with families of students as well as professionals who may be providing students with outside-of-school support. Additionally, topical groups and discussions are offered to parents and caregivers. In school, Friends Select students receive and have access to a myriad of social-emotional support services, both planned and on an as-needed basis. These services include lessons that are implemented in students’ advisory groups, joining classroom conversations/lessons, small group counseling sessions focusing on particular topics, conflict resolution meetings, topical classes delivered during health class, and one-on-one counseling. |
Wellness Program
During the 2023-24 school year, Friends Select offered access to a series of Child Development and Parenting Webinars, sponsored by the Pennsylvania Association of Independent Schools (PAIS) and the Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS). Friends Select’s Wellness support team followed these webinars with a series of companion conversations, each one customized to provide parents, caregivers, faculty, and staff an opportunity to gather, discuss, and process the learning from these lectures.